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How Ecommerce Surveys Can Help You Grow (Questions to Get You Started)

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

Customers today are overwhelmed by the plethora of choices available in the market. They consider every factor before zeroing down on their option. This is why it has become vital for businesses to understand what their customers think. This is where eCommerce surveys can help businesses to implement customer feedback. Talking to customers gives meaningful insights to execute in the e-commerce business, and you can become a top choice for your customers.

What’s the right approach to eCommerce surveys?

In eCommerce surveys, you try to find out customers’ points of view about your product. Surprisingly, getting feedback is not as easy as it appears to be. Businesses struggle to get honest and legit customer feedback from customers.

Customers may not be interested in talking; they refuse to give you feedback. They may think your product is not that great and can give you a little too honest feedback. Getting authentic feedback can be challenging, but it’s worth it.

Make e-commerce surveys as conversational and easy-going as possible. Don’t try to sound too professional, and avoid using technical jargon, as it can confuse or irritate customers. Make the e-commerce survey look like two friends are catching up and talking about a product.

Do your research and get ready with your questions. The key to a successful e-commerce survey is to ask the questions that matter. Plan your questions for more than just the likes and dislikes. Go beyond them and dig deeper. You may find surprising insights about your product you didn’t even know.

But why are customer surveys important?

It is not easy to sustain business in an eCommerce market. There is always a possibility of getting replaced. Retaining customers is quite a task, but implementing customer feedback to improve products and continuously enhance customer satisfaction will always bring your customers to you.

E-commerce surveys are a great way of answering customer questions by taking action about them. Customers have many questions about the quality, reliability, cost, and service of products.

E-commerce surveys help you observe the customer’s reaction toward your product and make improvements accordingly. This will boost customer loyalty and reduces the chances of getting replaced by the competition.

Top 3 reasons why e-commerce surveys matter to drive customer satisfaction

1. Reviews can get you 10x times ahead of the competition

E-commerce surveys can help you get 100s of reviews to implement by connecting with customers on a personal level.

A review, good or bad always meant to grow businesses into meaningful brands.

2. Stand out from the crowd

There are plenty of businesses we didn’t even know existed and are lost somewhere in the internet’s never-ending crowd. But eCommerce surveys help you stand in the market by promoting word-of-mouth marketing, and it does wonders.

3. A positive branding effect

When there is openness and genuineness to accept your flaws, everything falls into the right place. E-commerce surveys are meant to build a meaningful relationship with your customers by talking to them with transparency.

This makes customers feel that you care about them, thus leaving a positive impact on your brand.

4. Data helps your business to grow for good

When you get into the habit of asking purposeful questions in customer surveys, you are bound to get data from the masses. You can plan your next move according to the data you have collected. Businesses that are data-oriented are more likely to sustain longer in the market.

How are e-commerce surveys done?

For starters, try to stay open to challenges because growth is always on the other side of the comfort zone.

Meanwhile, follow these top e-commerce survey measures to stay top in the game

1. Don’t throw darts in the dark

We are talking about the channels and social platforms where your customers spend most of their time. Reach out to your customer via suitable channels to succeed in e-commerce surveys.

2. Keep notes of everything

Note everything down to precisely implement every feedback. You can always record surveys or note them down manually for future reference and ensure you are not missing out on anything.

3. Categorize questions and ask them in the kindest way

To get started with e-commerce surveys, craft questions that are easy to understand and answerable. Don’t scare away your customers with complex vocabulary; keep it simple and clear.

Select questions and categorize them in different stages:

  1. Pre-purchase questions

  2. Post-purchase questions

  3. Customer retention questions

Categorization helps you ask relevant questions and get honest feedback.

Try to position the questions in a personal and kind way to make customers talk to you without hesitation.

4. Reward customers

Like everybody else, nobody gives their time and effort for free. Offer your customers coupons, gift cards, and cashback points to redeem in exchange for taking the e-commerce survey.

What are the questions to be asked in eCommerce surveys?

Create a fill-in-the-blank story about your customers and fill in the blanks after the e-commerce survey. This simple step helps you get a story and make you understand the difference you have created in customers’ lives.

The questions that matter:

  1. What did your life look like before having our product?

  2. What are the biggest problems the product is solving in your life?

  3. What solutions did you try before us?

  4. What made you buy from us?

  5. What features of this product make it a perfect fit for you?

  6. Do you see yourself buying from us again?

  7. If not, what improvements can we make to make this product a repeat buy for you?

  8. What is that one feature you wish this product should have?

  9. What other products do you want to see on our website?

  10. How did you like the customer service?

Rounding off

E-commerce surveys are key to happy customers, and they make businesses successful, enlarge the revenue, scale up the business strength, and kick in profits.

Make a great product, deliver exceptional experiences and keep improving the e-commerce surveys. Discover why your customers like you and do more of it.

Boost your e-commerce survey experience with powerful tools in the future and become an unstoppable business.

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