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Payments Summary and Breakup

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

About Windo

Windo is a no-fuss, no-code, and non-subscription Shopify alternative. It is a quick and easy online store creator designed for small to mid-sized sellers, influencers, solopreneurs, and more.

Viewing Payments Summary and Breakup

You can view a detailed summary and breakup of payments in your Windo store. Follow the below steps to view your summary.

  1. Open the Windo mobile app.

  2. On the home screen, tap on Payments on the bottom navigation.

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  1. Now, make sure you are in the Payments tab.

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You will now see a complete summary and breakup of payments in your store.

Sort By Date

  1. Use this option to view the summary and breakup of the payment by a specific date range.

  2. Tap on the Select Date option to open the date picker and pick a date.

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  1. Select the start and end dates for the range.

  2. To choose between months, tap on the month name on top. You will now see all the previous and current months available for that year.

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  1. To choose between years, tap on the year on top and select a year range.

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Sort By Duration

  1. You can pick from a few pre-made options to view the summary and breakup of the payment for specific durations.

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  1. You can view the summary for the same day, the day before, the last month, and so on.

Sort By Payment Mode

  1. To view the summary and breakup of the payment based on the mode of payment, select Payment Mode.

  2. You will now see a list of payment modes based on the modes enabled by you in your store.

  3. Pick a preferred payment mode to sort the summary and breakup of the payment.

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  1. Tap on Apply once you are done.

You will now see your summary based on the selected payment mode(s).

Sort By Payment Status

  1. To view the payment summary based on the payment status, select Payment Status.

  2. Now, pick the preferred statuses to sort the summary accordingly.

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  1. Tap on Apply once you are done.

You will now see your summary based on the selected payment statuses.


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